This write-up is written about the events that happened from March 1st – 7th
Our long day of driving brought us to one of the beautiful areas of South Africa that I have seen so far. Clusters of huts scattered along the countryside. Children running outside to wave, smile, or simply to ease their curiosity. Men
and women going about their day. All of our eyes remained fixed on the world outside our bus windows. In our own way we were captivated by the beauty that is rural South Africa.
I’m sure you can picture our bus manoeuvring its way along the long winding dirt road, the hot African sun beating down and all of us trying to relieve ourselves from the heat. “Hey guys, there’s the ocean! Oh wait…no, that’s just a hill in the distance.” (a little while later…) “Hey guys, the water over there…oh, uh, never mind.” This is to say that there were definitely moments when I thought the ride would never end.
Finally we came to the end of the road and arrived at our destination. Situated right on Coffee Bay, Mdumbi Backpackers became our new home for the week. Our time here was set aside to do the second half of our Knowing Yourself Unit. We spent a chunk of time everyday having sessions in the lapa (an outdoor sitting area).
In one of the first sessions we looked over the results from a personality test we took the week before. There were the loyalists, peacemakers, helpers, enthusiasts, individualists, challengers, and reformers. Within our groups we discussed the tests accuracy and discovered some aspects of our personalities that we knew, but just didn’t understand or know how to put into words. Interesting stuff.
Simon led an awesome session on the Holy Spirit; what it is, what it does, and how it affects who we are. Anita went through a really worthwhile exercise where we thought about things we’d like to “stop, start, and continue” once we get back home. Sabrina spent time with us talking about going home and gave us some really sweet questions to think about. Jodie shared a synopsis of David’s life and how he was a man after God’s own heart. Jodie also presented the ideas of passions and complaints, challenging us with the thought that our ministry comes from our complaints. We were even blessed to have a session led by one of our fellow students. Michelle Ball spoke to us about an issue close to her heart; social justice and what our role is in that.
The leaders also sent us off for an afternoon of silence. Some journaled, some walked around, some found a spot to plunk down. Pray, read, or just be quiet, it was completely up to us. It was really great to take time away from the busyness of the week and just be still and spend time with God.
The atmosphere at Mdumbi was really chilled and relaxed. It made for a perfect place to process all that we have experienced and were learning. We also had a dang lot of free time, most of which was spent: hanging out in the main hut, listening to music or playing cards, boogie boarding, surfing, playing in the waves, going on hikes, stargazing, laying on the beach, picking up seashells (which thankfully are a lot lighter than rocks), or just resting and doing nothing.
Mdumbi was amazing. It was one of the slower, fast-paced weeks (trust me, that does make sense). Oh, and by the way, WE SLEPT IN HUTS!!!!
Written by: Mei-Lin Ing

Mdumbi Backpackers

One of the huts we stayed in

Lauren and Jacob saying hello to our neighbours...the cows

Johan giving us some quick, yet helpful, surf tips

Sean, Gabe, James and Corey walking on the beach